休閑鞋:狼眼碌碌 CONVERSE特別版潮鞋
西湖路你去得多啦,但其中的一家CONVEE專賣店居然有內行人才知道的秘密——獨家賣歐美版CONVERSE潮鞋,是廣州其他地方沒有的!狼哥哥已經先探路啦,并且興奮地說:“看誰再跟我撞鞋!” 虎紋帆布鞋 在“周老虎”熱炒之際,穿上一對虎紋帆布鞋,肯定是潮人之中的潮人! 斑
Converse x Bodega present Archeology Rewards
For the late great “Style Master General” Dondi White, he served as one of the era's greatest artists with a spray can. His works seen on various MTA trains in New York became well known highlights and were associated with some of the most influential works in graffi
臺海網12月8日訊 (海峽導報記者 林明 文/圖)近日,廈門首家“匡威”(CONVERSE)鞋類專營店,在輪渡大中路開業(yè),這是廈門“匡威迷”們的一大福音! ∈紕(chuàng)于1908年的 “匡威”品牌,距今已有99年歷史。對喜愛“匡威”的青年朋友們來說,“匡威”就是熱愛運動、熱愛生活的代名詞! ≡谳喍傻倪@家
匡威 Chevron & Star Campaign 色彩才是王道
當大家都注意著Chuck Taylor All-Star鞋款的時候,匡威 (CONVERSE) 發(fā)布了新的鞋款:Weapon Ox, Chevron Star 和 Pro Leather,使用了全新的顏色配搭,繼續(xù)以顏色多取勝。
Converse Chevron and Star Campaign
Looks like Converse has a new campaign under way, which will contain Chevron and Star. The Converse Chevron and Star Campaign will feature a wide range of colors and different Converses. The color combinations are pretty basic, but you we don’t need multiple col
Converse帆布鞋 時尚男女度假的選擇,簡單外型內含時尚流行運動活力,同時也讓服裝設計師如Marc Jacobs等人愛不釋手,相對更加炒熱它的知名度。穿起來帶有一股隨性的不羈,頗有街頭酷味。